A part of The Bridge Theory


Keywords to know here:

Dispersion = The (phenomenon) of one somehting spreading into divided parts

Newton Illustratd this; white / blue / visible light (it’s called blue, the visible light in certain scenarios; yet blue is a ‘distinct’ color consituting the ROGGBIV
Red Orange Green Gul(yellow) Blue Indigo Violet
Work to 6/7 Swe->eng, this acronym

(It can extrapolated unto other topics beyond light. OR should I say ultra light.

Here’s Wikipedia’s definition on Dispersion:

Dispersion is the phenomenon in which the phase velocity of a wave depends on its frequency ”


In physics, we learn that refraciton also exists. yes, dispersion is a type of refraction

Not too wild, for re- and dis- are connotated the same way, backwards, away, from.

What’s the nature of a Prism?

Reading my newsletter which I do n times a day (X platform)

I stumbled upon ‘prisms arent what you think’ or something like that.

And let’s dive into it:

What I will be tying together in this part:

1. G. Ling’s nanoprotoplasm,

My reading notes (cluttery) Tread on own precaution.

Why is it called d and l glucose in the case of enatiomeres.

They are mirror compounds, put one of them bad boys in the mirror and you have yourself the original and the mirroed

D glucsoe occurs naturally

here we have it:

D-glucose is formed when glucose rotates the plane polarized light in the right direction (dextrorotation) and L-glucose is formed when glucose rotates the plane polarized light in the left direction (levorotation).


and levorotation

but what does dextro mean?

we have learned dextrose is a form of glucose, it’s a synoym, its the one naturally occuring

what’s levo?

Not, it appears, more complex than ‘left’:

In Spanish, we learn dereche is right. Where’s the baño? The toilet is to the right, a la dereche

Does this sound familair to dextro? Dereche?


It’s just so. It’s the case

Now, we have dexterity in our hands

It’s an adjective and an adverb

it’s the ability for the hands, but i can be extrpaoalted to say our general flexibility; how well we can move.

2. R. Peat’s structure and energy theory

That is is interdependent on every level !

3. Pollack’s 4th phase of water. All

finally, this third. I thought. But more opens. More things are fitted into one and the same framework which is rooted in same principles.

those three go hand in hand, don’t they? My x-post went. These three first. Lmao wasnt the final:

4. Fascia(pod)


5. Colloids algae

Colloid being the gel-opposite of .. .gel.

It disperses in not liquid, but solid. And it’s dispersed phase is solid.

6. Cowan’s theory of how blood propogates.

Rather, as he says, forging a common sense approach to medicine nad biology

not that ive read if he has a theory, jsut the vids that I been watching,.

An Iconoclast an a half.

The sheer uttering of something completely seeming opposite not intrigues, for intruge has negative connotation, a malicious; but rather INTERESTS. Not fascinates either btw. Neither Decieve or cheat.

Speaking of words, a doctor, doctoring somehting is nefariously modifying:

  • Rather than a propulsion pressure device, water repels itself, going forward.
  • A gel
  • Much like the Fascia.

7. _______



What Quora says about Ling’s theory:

  • “…when Peter Rich’s conflicting theory on Chemiosmosis won over the majority of the bioenergetics field

  • Whilst the journal papers are possibly peer-reviewed, “the Chief Editors make all final decisions, and will handle appeals from authors who feel their papers are unfairly reviewed” (PCP-Policy)

you read that too, chief editor. Chief Priest. Religious stuff.

Pre-Commercial Procurement – European Commission

To quote Nobel Prize Winning Quantum Physicist Max Plank: “Truth never triumphs — its opponents just die out.

  • Travis Schwochert

It seems to rely upon the idea that the sodium-potassium pump doesn’t exist. That’s just not true. We know the gene responsible (ATP1A1 ) we have the protein sequence (sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha-1 isoform a), and we have the crystal structure (3WGU: Crystal structure of a Na+-bound Na+,K+-ATPase). I can even buy it as a purified protein if I so desire (atp1a1 recombinant protein).


Law of Conserved energy



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