In today’s civilization – not society – money is a prerequiste for health; for everything has a monetary cost. A monetary VALUE.
Things being so, along with the money religion’s seamless transition into collective consciousness – the egregore meeting little no resistance to take root – we are oblivious to this. Templte-religion’s controlling dehumanizing effect made easy switch into ‘secular religions’ which behave much like religion religions, non secular, with explicit gods.
It is hiding in plain sight.
As Humans, we are the ones who can put an end to this. hardest is it for the most possesed, the priests of the different – money, war, science (and sub-religion, cult) – religions of today. We are the Instrumental piece of the play. We are imperative to their madness.
What did I mean this by civilization and not society exactly?
In the world I bet there are still people in communities having their own plot of lands or a specialized harvesting or livestock, making the livelihood easier; for I’ve pondered whether its feasible not monetarily but in work and time, to do this on your own, and i think not. Not to mention the isolative feelings associated with this; we thrive in groups, if we are supplying for each other.
So I’m thinking we ditch the monetary supplying for family.
The techno-mind in us has roots deep. It thinks it is not possible to return to this intrinsic, natural wealth, not moneteraily, it believes we must develop and we must earn money and develop all these methods for securing or bread for the day. But I beg to differ
I won’t be down in a jiffy, no, it will take time to dismantle this current paradigm with deep rots, and establish the one which stood the test of time; the one which the industrial revolution came and destroyed. “Health and Wealth was sacrified for a defieicent diet and poor sanitation and living conditions.” ~Something like that~ – Reittort
With this money god in full power (which sadly we must first admit we are a part of and dependent on; the first or second step of denial), we are assigned a worth – we are paid by hourly wage and such.
Nature becomes materialized and also assigned a worth – timber, wood of all sorts, metals etc.
Barter was the functioning phenomenon before the above mentioned culmination.
Human economies, not mentary economies. Remember, economy if spoken for itself, means housekeeping. So grossly extrapolated to material money.
I don’t know about you but I’d rather take the ancestral path which is calibrated into our very physiological essence over the stress of ‘time is money’ (wrong) and the leaving the innate characteristics of humans as individuals and communities (and other increasing-in-size groups).
For when we Live like above mentioned, the way Reittort between-the-lines so graciously suggests, we develop soul for we are living in alignment literally and on other planes, with nature, which we are (a part of).
So, it seems that money is a prequiste for living in today’s world, but is it not naturally or inherently so. Either in our out; if we do it the natural way in this unnatural society, we are seen as outlings, not beloning to the rest of society; we pick up social services support and things of the like. It’s that or moving somewhere and doing this.
Carnivore aurelius spoke lengths about this.
‘Electric city’
We are according to some people being harvested of our electromagnetism lving in this settings. Occult, fascinating (‘bewitching’) and heart-breaking.
Etymologies if how we lot words SFI (spoken/speak(s) for itself)
What does it all stem from? When we taketh a look at the root of it, it’s possesion, egregores and control. it’s the ‘easy’ – yet much esoteric and cerebreal work done by the priests – to pull something off like this. Easy or not, living and creating a human economy is the better choice for the long game of earth and humanity.
And NOT TO MENTION ZPE , free energy, which if in full effect i bet we didint have to work (our asses off) , to pay for eletricity water etc bills. Whoever or whatever made us reincarnate or have the first life of our soul-life here on earth (in this life-time) I think not the intention was four us to live in dissaciation, fear, guilt, shame or to think of redemption; the four last of these r all tools of religion.
If there ever were a discontentment, it would be settled between the two parties at hand, not with the intermediary god of justice, the thing itself not able to render us valid humans if we are not contracted into a specific relationship with the goverment (we always have the right to say no, in most places of the world). Honor is placed high.
Humans have an im-monetarily-measurable worth.
But the god of money makes us, through possesion/brainwashing/feeding power to the in-question-coherent-egregore), pile everyting up in diagrams graphs etc, evidencing a valid use for the name ‘Church of Graps TM’ @zdschenken , a sweet nickname for what science is when taken off-road from what science really is, itself not able to be settled in many ways.
A utopia, this being mine in this sense, is not impossible.
‘Im possible’, it whispers to me.
- Krivda Godtrix against the matrix Enna Reittort
- intution
- observation of the world
- development of relationship to our and the matrix, the womb, which birthed us all, earth (and specifically and explicitly our parents and ancestors)
Hang in there Gaia/Sophia/Tellus and all your people feeling something so very off, that thing being the reason for your unease.
For the solution I see many folks take in this monetary system we live in, is to get out of it, not be dependent on money yet be; have an income and lifestyle which makes you do what you want to. This can feel lonely if not having a group with a similar lifestyle and principles and values. I’d call this phenomenon a band-aid.
And I’m not the one to say this lifestyle, utopia I’ve described, is for everybody – there will always be cases of deviations of people.
Quality over quantity, as it’s said, fits well into the number-thingy phenomenon with life and not so irrelvenatly health. It’s not inherently wrong to do so, many paople are mathemathically natured, I could not tell you why but a whimpse I have, but when taken to excess and applied to wrong things (easily done when being applied to much anything) things get’s a nonhuman, sterile, objective meaning.
Objectivity is not bad either. All knowledge is knowledge, and to know when to apply what where is where wisdom lays.
To be continued… literary and human..
How will it proceed. Will we able to retrieve our rights? By not complying we have an action with double effect, dissaproval and removal of these quite frankly evil forces, and on the other hand retrieval.
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