Unlying – telling Truth in retrospect?

Retelling something with this time in mind in speech correction of what you knew(!) or now know, what was wrong.

If telling the Truth is a virtue, so is this

However for me at times it’s been hard to do.

That’s wakes makes it fun, discipline gurus’d tell ya.

Time goes on, people forget.

To create luck or go out your way with all this friction to retell it?

‘Route’ of expression (u know what I mean)

Or utter it in any way?

I think as long as you hold the now updated mental frame of the thing in question, we good (and of course as you didint benefit from unwittingly lying before or even hurt n amount of people in doing so)

For me, it’s always been health related stuff

And sometimes you wonder is it even worth to utter where you are?
yes .

To take that as truth for if it’s not you learn faster, if it is, good (for now)

And as we know, science always progresses and in that action both obsolete information is disregarded in any grade necesserary, and new is put in its place. Unlearning through learning, learning through learning. Or simply learning if you had not any clue about yay or nay bu or bä (swe) about the topic. Or even that it was a topic.

Cheers big time


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