On Disease

‘If you don’t let disease take root in the mind, it will take root in the body’

First off this one was difficult for me

it’s one of those statements where one clause is positively connotated, the other negatively so; one says not one says do. Both actions though, are positviely in the sense of doing; for not doing is also doing; opposites differ in grade

Enough with philosophy and semantix for now.

If it’s flipped, not vice versa, just flipped connotations, same meaning:

If we let disease take root in mind – if we believe to not to be real (in hopes for not letting it affect us) it wont affect body

That’s a bit easier to understand.

Random doom or coffeescrollings idk what I did when I stumbled upon quote, blessing in disguise.

Why is it in disguise?

Blessing in disguise – quote parallel (same meaning) with light exists only in retrospect. A bit nihilistic of Brute to say somethn like that, perhaps. If we are to develop joy this isn’t true, but for many obstacles we face, it’s true.

With the introductory quote; I wonder how many ailments it goes for?


The common cold?


Some things I believe are not easy to interfere, override by mind; for they are actually phenomenons in body — however much the body must rule the mind & the mind’s superseeing and supremacy in the organism.

For the mind is connected with the soul; search for soul ol ogy and you get psychology as a result; for where else comes the spirit; the paradigm, the software of your mind; in a sense it’s connected to the soul, if not same.

But some say it resides in liver, the soul, some say in heart.

What was I getting at. You tell me.




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