Nicotine, B-vitamins (spec. B1 and B3 & B6), Coffee, Methylation, Feringer’s Theory

Niacinamide, nicotinic acid and… nicotine


Glad I got some backstory in here

I find it hileraious I talk about B3 in 3B section.

Through this mechanism, in regards to Choline

Chool. Cool lean.

Fiona clrly

“White and fair “

” Fiona carries connotations of gentility and refinement, often suggesting aristocratic lineage for its bearer.[5]

genitive of fion, ‘of wine’




both ways

somee req less for same

and greater with more mg

Foods (sky)high in b3

  • 100 g potatis innehåller 1,81 g protein (det vill säga 1810 mg) och 1,77 mg niacin.

idk if cookled

  • Dates
  • Trypohaneous foods as in beyond datees
Maybe SLV can be trusted with info like this.

“1 ne NE equals 1 milligram of niacin or 60 mg of tryptophan


(and SLV)

say literally same

a pattern?

  • Chamomille tea

Was today years old when I learned b vits are essential to methylation b 9 2 12 6

is it all methylation, though?

Inspired by

” itmay appear to have been an intentional deception in hiding the fact that niacin and nicotine are basically the same thing, but simply put, it’s because until now there has been no funding to look at tobacco from the point of view of a nutritional function. Tobacco has been used for a wide range of other maladies from Asthma ( Niacin prevents Histamine release Robert Thompson to Bowel obstruction (A Modern Herbal guide 1931).”

” The objective is to decrease adolescent smoking by removing the dietary deficiency, hence the body’s need for the nicotine. The U.S. RDA for niacin ranges from about 15mg to about 20mg per day, but to get that much a person needs to eat a serving of chicken , a serving of turkey, a serving of Spinach and a bowl of fortified cereal each day or smoke 2 packs of cigarettes.”

Do you see the protein-consumption dimension of it, too?

We ought to eat a good bit of it, everly more so if LIFTIN.

For this bypasses this need completely likely

Not even eating yuge amounts o relatively-more-b3-in-the-proteinous-food, but just any protein.

And we know we get energy from it

It can come in the form of less hunger.

And of course, while we’re at it, this specicic inquiry (historu means inquiry by the way)

We might as well constate this is but another instance of supplementing b3 or what eves is percieved and may even be objectively so – beneficial – while it’s just a RTB Returning to Baseline (psyoptimal hypotheis)

for one can rest so very gently and calmly on this perception.

For it’s betteer spent to fix flagrant (blood mood etc as showers) of defiencies rather than just maaaaaaaaaaaaaxing something

It does indeed beg the question if we can thing the defiences of A when maxxing B

not likely, espescially if single compound, but maybe it does work something, however nothing by chance. Chance said so, the dude and the Principle or COncept. (which is Krivda?)

This perception keeps health unneurotic.

Energy and nutrients (if seperable) needed to digest things containg it

Find it hilarious? idk how to put it

B3 is needed for digestion of far carbs and protos ein.

B1 for alcohol metabole throwaround?=

How da flip does methylation work.

Let’s ask the world, the net. Neat, no?

Why are b vitamins most, compared to other foods, in proteinous food?

Generic B3

The b3 (niacin) flush – temporal b3 ‘toxicity’?

b3 + coffee?
It came in late today my flush.

Second time trying

Don’t mind if I do…

temporal b3 ‘toxicity’? ?,Etymons%3A%20Latin%20steatosis.

Etymolgoy of steatosis

anicteric not accompanied or characterized by jaundice.

So liver is tied to b3?

why surprised

nothing seperated right

Banger and a half.

Cheers for years. To come. Or days, that’ll do too for life consists of days. One day at a time, a moment per gauge.

En dag i taget, en stund i taget.

Talesätt, proverb

Study Swedish.

This song fits well to psyoptimal hypothesis, for same theme song. Coming home. To baseline, optimal, natural.




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