Sleeping: Incline, Zero Gravity ZG + Direction (of head)

When your head and or torso is higher up than your lower body (or only your gravity of center)

Metaphysical and anatomical

Evidence side of things

Practical side of things

The incline shown


~20 degrees.

5 My experience sleeping with for two days

Woke up warmer the second day

5a The blood

With gravity it has a hard time going up to head. Well it’s furthest up, and also a reeason why hair loss maybe come present.

Head above heart. Legs below heart.

However gravity and the heart pumping is not all for blood has its own flow and the heart cant do the job as a pressure propulsion device.

Former work on sleep and related stuff. its geneacological relatives

  • snoring
  • no pillow
  • nose tape
    • Itself connected to this for the head is the thing that’s (not) elevated compared to byd
    • But I’m looking for any potential benefits or downsides to having the entirety of the your body, your corporeal vessel in this position, this angle.

“The best direction to place your head is toward the south, according to feng shui, an ancient practice from China, and vastu shastra, an ancient practice from India. Both feng shui and vastu shastra focus on energetic balance, health, and well-being that comes with arranging objects in your personal space.

Why is south the best direction to sleep in? Feng shui experts believe sleeping with your head facing south corresponds with the earth’s electromagnetic fields and promotes the flow of positive energy, or chi. Your bed should face south too as the placement of each item in your bedroom can significantly impact the chi energy in your space, say feng shui experts. According to the principles of vastu shastra, meanwhile, energies originating from the south bring fame, goodwill, and deep, heavy, and sound sleep. Sleeping with your head in a southern direction also draws energy into your body instead of outward as is the case when sleeping with your head facing north. As a result, you have a greater chance of obtaining health, happiness, and prosperity if you sleep with your head facing the south, say vastu shastra proponents. This theory is supported by some recent research. A 2019 study found that participants who slept in a north-south direction experienced significant changes in delta, theta, and alpha brain frequencies and experienced better sleep compared to individuals who slept in an east-west direction. Plus, according to a 2022 study published in Global Advances in Health and Medicine, sleeping with your head facing south is associated with lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol. Earlier research even shows some animals, such as cattle and deer, naturally align their bodies in a north-south direction when eating and sleeping.”2

“Store nothing under your bed

According to feng shui and vastu shastra principles, storing things under your bed is a big no-no. “Ideally, you want nothing under the bed,” says Cho. “But if you must store something, it’s best to stick with sleep-related items like pillows, blankets, and linens.” Avoid storing books and shoes under your bed as they stimulate energy, which may disrupt sleep.

Hang calming artwork

Any artwork you hang on your bedroom walls should be uplifting and relaxing. Here are a few pointers to keep in mind:

  • No images of water as the central theme. In feng shui, water-focused pictures in the bedroom promote financial trouble.
  • No sad or upsetting images as they may encourage unpleasant feelings and negative chi.
  • No images featuring just one individual as this represents solitude and loneliness.

Finally, position artwork so it’s the last thing you see before falling asleep and the first thing you see upon waking.”

Esophagus and stomach acid

Not that I normally get it, at all, this helps.

Lower Esophagal Sphincteer ! = LES

Two types of zero gravity


or simply canter of gravity parallel (tangential) to earth’ surface?



” The zero gravity position takes extra pressure off your heart, allowing for better blood flow and circulation.”

The head if a bodybuilder might get less yet we are sharper +- 0?

Doesntt incline sleeping make it harder?

Now with the plaque and brainwashing.

From study

If Amyloid theory not true, what is?

AD = Alzheimers disease


AS in foruth phase?

Nah rather blood plasma

But where does blood plasma come from

Looks like from here

“This review provides an update on the diagnostic and prognostic performances of plasma p-tau181, p-tau217 and p-tau231, and their associations with in vivo and autopsy-verified diagnosis and pathological hallmarks”3



A neurite or neuronal process refers to any projection from the cell body of a neuron. This projection can be either an axon or a dendrite.

First I thought it was a neuronal metabolite, due to the –it(e) but it’s an outshoot

Lewy bodies

Alpha synuclesin















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