Drawing the line between fear, programming and a hard-earned lesson

A series of the RSA Rational-Subconscious Agreement

So in life, we can learn things.

These lessons we ‘earn’ for they stick with us. They ‘adhese unto our spinal cord’ as the saying goes. Now when we expand our view and realize these things may stem from fear, the RSA and all its beloning mental and somatic tools shine, much like the Sun on a clear Tuesday afternoon.

We must audit ourself to see if it’s fear and hence programming, and if it is, we think that if we do this wrong again, I will end up ‘as bad’ (you were always ok) as that time, where you learned it. Having the framework in mind, you realize, yes, that thing in question is important, but I will be ok anyhow, and this is not an excuse to not be vigilant:

(In my case this is dead angle when turning in a crossroad, for once I totally forgot to do so when doing my driving lessons for my license, and came there did a cyclist who I almost recognized to late)

So as with much, it’s a ‘trade-off’, a ‘balance’

And the crutch is you can get caught in life (your mind) and not wield this awareness at times, having situations look much like when you were more deeply scared. Angels also fall.

To the matter also belongs that we don’t learn things truly without these hard-earned lessons.

For we are never that close to ‘dying’ (it very well may be a life and death situation), in the things we do not learn, recall, understand as well.

Is this a call to go out and live on the edge to see much you can INTERNALIZE?

No, I don’t think that’d be healthy.

It’s just stating an obseravtion; look back for yourself.

The things you hold dearly mentally, when about n’ about in the world, and certain coherent situations arise, did you not learn them the hard way?

I also think this speaks to the inborn auto-picked or pre-designated by day know who,

the lessons which we are to go through. It’s very much unique to ourselves, the things we have to go through. No life is the same as another. … yet we are all humans, and a certain framework is in place for us to reach enlightment.

And the RSA just happens to be a profound such.

The sanskrit rules for life

is approriate here. It’s tailored for each and every individual, yet not, for it is objective. And the types of lessons I mean with the unique-for-self ones, are subjective. Yes others may have experienced the very same principial ones, cool.

But open eyes and lay your faith, be gullible, look back on your Life, see in your present life, what things induce strong memories and emotions. These are likely your hard-earned lessons, or lessons-with-much-emotions-attached.

Cheers 🥂☀️

Originally published on substack:



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