Cold – Cold thermogenesis – fat

And yet another dash of NS (novel for self) Genes related

Stating obvious but it struck me:

Listen to body, in ‘duplex’ when satiated stop, hungry, eat – unless fasting etc (something else). Cold exposure make u hungry, more docile to the coziness. eating, for good reason namelty cold exposure itself a strong signal, a signal not really for thriving but immediate threat to survival. Good thing, then, that ‘There are very few things that actually threaten your life” ~.
(taking from context: with the stressing and arguing, and coritsol running wild). Ryan Holiday

We were this the end-all-be-all of fat loss, we would see Kruse at normal body weight. He is at today’s normal, not optimal. Kruse is an advodate for true Light (capital L) itself, and has proven cold thermogensis does not the, but a good, job. A good, bigger than usual minor, but diet and exercise must be implement would one wish to get into the shape one arguably may want.
Or maybe it just takes the time, fat loss with proper circadian-ry.

He does look good – not bad – though.

My history with cold exposure is long, about thirty meters.

I did it extensively in the latter part of my upper secondary school and I’m damn sure it elicited or excarbeted my stress and cold hands!

It’s true, it’s good in some (unique) scenarios and terrible in others.

For at the base level it’s quite an impact on the body, to quote CarnivoreAurelius: Your body thinks it’s on the Titatnic, sinking. ~

And it’s exactly that which drives the good of it too, the being able to survice something harsh, What doesn’t kill you make you stronger, as Kenny Clarksson sang so eloquently (released) 13 years ago.

So, back to why I did. yeah why did I?

It was to a majority for the discipline building effects. Because I was not as healthy as I am right now, life was quite miserable

Things should go with little to no effort, and this goes for the ‘harder’ things too.

The exercising, the speaking of mind, doing what needs doing etc. It was all hard. Much friction. Did the cold showers help?

Only if I literally had it active conscious mind ‘hey I did that hard thing this morning so I can do this too’ (you can do it even if you don’t have that in the back of your mind for we are renewed 24/7, but it sure helps)

I’ve always had some weak notion of cold thermogenesis for these last two years, but after this autmn or winter here in Sweden 2024, I decided to research a little on it, and a lot of new stuff. And as I wrote on twitter, outside-nature be it sheer temp or on soil in my case in the spectacular video I share on X, it’s a truer form to do it outside opposed to the standard cold shower for the latter can be cold year round.

GENES: Irisin, UCP1 PGC1ɑ


It is but a

FNDC5 is a precursor to Irisin. For when Fibronectin Type III Domain Contaning is cleaved by a proteolyt, proteolytic enzyme (rather than ‘__digesting-enzyme), it is released into the wild, the body.

Beige adipose tissue

Abbrevations are for the knowing and the time-coignizant. Nah idk at the end of the day only the real long ones are worth to abbreviate, no? For me myself I want to explain tf the abbrevation stands for. At my own peril? No

At the minimum (let’s build this argument up), the first time we are jotting out an abbreviation or acronym, THERE at that place, inital mentioning, we say what is. Then it’s up to reader to remember or not.

BAT Brown adipose tissue

What is beige then?


How many names they got for all dis shidd


So beige is in the middle of, both functionally and color-wise, beige and white. Fret not – it’s a mix of the two!


Uncoupling protein 1.

Uncoupling may be a ‘buzz-word’

However people who apply ‘buzz-word’ to words/concepts, I could fathom, rarely grasp what is, let alone at depth.

I’m not saying I do

But we heard the uncoupling word a good bit.

From my X post:

-‘Does cold burn brown fat?’ – Irisin, FGF21, 12,13-diHOME, ucp1 diHOME – dihydroxydecaocteneiod acid (no clue how where they get ‘m’ from)

-> Loop closed for me: Brown fat: Cold triggers UCP1 -> Uncoupling -> heat

Here we must know about its synonym, thermogenin and SymporterI

Frick’s a symporter?

Fatty acid / H+ inner membrane. Fatty acids way bigger than H+.

But it ‘holds up’. Fatty acids, and all this is in fat and thermogenesis context. We’ll let it pass for the sake of this text, understanding what we got to to work with.

Was thinking how this name came to be

Port, as in door, involved with transporting — as we know the word today.

The first intra’clause’ of the word, sym, I’m thinking this is one got its homage to Sympathy. When you feel sorry for another, empathy being when you feel what another person feel.

Second use of this pic, it’s good.

bAT express high levels of UCP1.- UCP1

Look at that name

has a C

When genes are involved in the matter @ manus, to my higly limited to knowledge, we can assume until we are proven wrong it’s C for Chondria / Chondrion (diff. between these two, not sure)

This is reminscent of guilty until proven otherwise, albeit a far-from same negative implication, this is really for the knowingness only.


Is it alpha ɑ or not. beta Gamma sigma theta elipsion lambda phi rho etc. omega. …. The results will shock you:

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1alpha (PGC-1α)

Peroxisozme Proliferator acticated receptre gamma coactivator 1-alpha.

It’s both gamma and alpha.

It’s a receptor then, called gamma coactivator 1-alpha, activated and starting to proliferate? when Peroxisozme goeth there.

Pparg coactivator 1 alpha

This one makes a whole lot of more sense; check the boldings out.

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1alpha (PGC-1α)

(hope you saw me doing the, much like one did in school, drawling lines between coherent say numbers and letters 1-a , 2-b 3-c etc; but this time with bold.

There’s a letter in PPARG acronym for each word in the entire biological concept.

pparg coactivator 1 alpha in context:

First off, the crip is that (out of this bigger pic)?

In between Pparg coactivator alpha 1 & TrkB


Tropomyosin receptor kinase B

Tropomyosin is involved in Myosin-actin, behind the curtains of the show.
I wrote about it here

For this text just know it’s a regulator of hypertrophy. sub

To be fair, a good way to not sound like a robot R2D2 or somehting idk. With T-R-K-B:

But where da a at

Literally none. Only in kinase, so the semantix don’t transfer well from acronym to full-fledged word.,

POMC’s role in cold ‘therapy’

For therapy is therapy, stuff is simply theurapeutic.

  • PTP1N Tyrosine-protine-phosphate non-recpetor type 1

What does this actually mean

Common way of posing a question where you have little tno no way in, former knowledge of it.


Sir T Tank

Is there a connecting, cognate, between sire and sir?


” is a stress responsive protein deacetylase and mono-ADP ribosyltransferase enzyme encoded by the SIRT6 gene”

Did you hear that?


We hear about methylation

add a carbon and to the empty spaces, unbonded, hydrogen (probably not a palpable phenomenmon between the two or maybe it is but for the sake of understanding) to a methyl, CH4, and we have C2H6 Acetyl. A substituent as it called in Organic CHemistry.

Now methylation appears to a fundamental function in our genes.

It’s needed to activate?

it’s easier to digest methylated forms of vitamins, at least b12, metholcobalamin over some other

(that’s on craig mccloskey)

Methylation vs Acetylation

Methylation is the foreman of the battlefront.

Acetylation is the one who repairs,the healer.

Does Propanylation exist? Propanation no not propogation sounds similar yes.



= De novo lipogenesis


Follicle? Fat? Feral? Growth Factor 21

You may have heard of IGF1

The I there in the word, containg GF too, stands for INSULIN


diHOME – dihydroxydecaocteneiod acid


Why octE not octA as it usually is

Maybe it’s being alternated for it not simply decaoctan or something; but a whole darn bigger moleculer.

Ending words or paragraphs

Was it the best way to attack a topic like this by fleshing out the text through specific ‘unique’ genes as heading?

Not sure

You tell me !

Sorting out the rest of the genes in this picture

Also, another mechanism for keeping obesity in check, or staying lean:

Insulin resistance with the browing goes down, it becomes more sensitivty for sensitivity and resistance are in antagonistic relationship with each other ( they dnot like to be around each other)

Ok so cinnamon taurin, physical exercise — and now cold immersion!

Four tools to SHOVe that glucose into cells.


Fos proto-oncogene, AP-1 transcription factor subunit. factor subunit.

Synonyms: p55.

P53 is involed in cancer.

But not perhaps in the causing side of it?

“When cancer is present, the p53 is oftenly mutated” CArnivoreAurelius.

ppar-gamma / pparg as G in gamma. (cant find symbol sorry guys) but here is screenshot.

What is this

It communicates? ; Ph. exercise upregulates BDNF brain derived neutrophic factor (increases neuronal cell count)

Well if we dont have cells in the bag of solute and organelle sense(?; not sure if this the sense of it which is rendered unvalid through Ling’s AIH); but rather the nanoprotoplasmic, then this, let alone, dis is useless.

Well I think nothing is useless, if nto for the practical-theoretical-knowledge in the scientificial science, but for understanding

Seperarating personal understanding vs science-understanding! Want to write about this in Förviddenskap.


FNDC5 up there up in the text, too.

Fibrin domain-connecting protein 5

First I thought it was cleaving, the c.

The P in genes for protein left out. Is the this the case normally?

He maybe peed it away?



Zif268. Zinc?

Stumbled upon miRNA

No not mRNA messenger

but mi for Micro.

It’s non encoding


Cheers ☀️🥂


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